More and more people are discovering the benefits of chiropractic manipulation. However, many people are wary of making an appointment. If you are still unsure, check out what you can expect from your visit to the chiropractor.
Range-of-Motion Examination
Your chiropractor will likely start with a range-of-motion examination. Basically, you'll need to turn your head, bend your back in various directions, raise your arms, and perform other movements as requested. This gives the chiropractor an idea of what may be wrong.
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A concussion is a very serious injury and is one that should be treated as such. In terms of treatment, a chiropractor can help you out a great deal. Here are three ways that a chiropractor can help treat you after a concussion:
Realign the Cervical Spine
A concussion is often caused by a direct or indirect blow to the head. This can often cause your cervical spine to come out of alignment because your cervical spine begins at the base of your skull.
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