The Painful Aftermath: Common Injuries After A Slip And Fall Incident

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere — at home, at work, or even at a grocery store. If not immediately checked, most of these incidents can cause severe injuries that can affect your daily life activities. However, the severity and type of injury may differ from one person to another, depending on the victim's age, the surface conditions, and the impact of the fall.

This article discusses some common injuries that can happen after a slip and fall incident.

Back Injuries

Back injuries, one of the most common consequences of slip and fall incidents, can range from simple muscle sprains to more severe conditions like spinal cord damage or herniated discs. 

If you slip and fall, the sudden impact can jolt the spine, leading to injuries that can cause severe pain and limit mobility. Furthermore, herniated or bulging discs can put pressure on the spinal nerves, leading to radiating pain, numbness, or weakness in the limbs.

Chiropractic care can help in the recovery process from a slip and fall injury. A chiropractor specializes in spinal adjustments designed to realign the spine, reduce pressure on the nerves, and promote natural healing. These adjustments can help you return to your normal activities sooner.

In addition to spinal adjustments, chiropractors may offer additional therapies such as massage or physiotherapy to help strengthen weak muscles and improve flexibility. The goal is to provide you with the tools and treatments you need to recover quickly and completely.

Muscle Strains

Muscle strains happen when a muscle or its attaching tendons are stretched or torn, often resulting from a sudden, sharp pull on the muscle. The severity of a strain can vary greatly, from a minor overstretching to a more severe complete tear or rupture. Common symptoms of muscle strains include localized pain, swelling, and limited mobility around the affected area. 

Chiropractic care is a highly effective treatment strategy for muscle strains resulting from slip and fall incidents. A chiropractor focuses on the body's musculoskeletal structure, especially the spine. 

They use hands-on manipulation and other noninvasive treatments to help align the body's musculoskeletal structure properly. This facilitation enables the body to heal itself without the need for surgical intervention or medication. Your chiropractor can adjust the involved joints to help reduce inflammation and promote healing in the strained muscle. 

Moreover, chiropractors provide supportive care to aid the rehabilitation process. This care can include prescribed exercises that help restore normal motion, strengthen the muscle, and prevent subsequent injuries. Techniques such as electric muscle stimulation or ultrasound therapy can also ease pain and promote healing. 
